Moving towards the hope that was foretold.

Why do we not know the country whose citizens we are? because we have wandered so far away that we have forgotten it. But the Lord Christ, the king of the land, came down to us, and drove forgetfulness from our heart. God took to Himself our flesh so that He might be our way back.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Fear: calming the storm within

If jealousy is a green eyed monster, then fear is its dark grey cousin.  Not a legitimate fear, like one that keeps you from jumping from an airplane with no parachute, but the irrational fears that creep in and erode the foundations of our peace and joy.

That is me all over.  And over.  If the peace of God passes all understanding, why can't I get on the bus?  the book on my Reading List in the side column by Max Lucado speaks to this type of fear.  It is easier to read about then it is to defend against.  God help me, cuz my armor is tin foil trying to be steel.

Mark 4:35-41 tells about Christ calming the sea.  The passengers on the boat were in fear of their lives in a tangible way...the boat, the storm, the danger was imminent.  But Christ was there.  What could they have feared?  Nothing.

Christ is as present in this Christ follower as he was in that boat.  He is not worried.  Why am I?

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