Moving towards the hope that was foretold.

Why do we not know the country whose citizens we are? because we have wandered so far away that we have forgotten it. But the Lord Christ, the king of the land, came down to us, and drove forgetfulness from our heart. God took to Himself our flesh so that He might be our way back.


Monday, April 26, 2010

The eyes of Christ

I have the selfish tendency of walking through life in an uncaring manner, being judgmental and fearful of others.  Or even worse, indifferent.  Indifference is more often the case.  It is so easy to be all about my stuff and my cares and my agenda that my eyes glaze over and pass on by.

But, the eyes of Christ.  They missed nothing as he walked this earth.  I was not there, of course, but it is obvious from what we can read and what we can know about the attributes of God, that His gaze was piercing and kind, looking past the masks we all wear and into the heart.

I cannot look at a man's heart.  But I need to see my fellow man as Jesus saw them.  I need to be compassionate and patient.  I need to care enough to know that they need to hear the truth in a kind way.  I need to care about their lost state more than I care about my fears of being transparent.  

I need to care, period.

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